Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Do Herbs for Menopause Really Ease Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause is part of the natural, life-long process of female growth and development. The word menopause originates from the Greek words meaning "to cease" and "month." In essence, menopause refers to the stopping of menstruation. For most American women, menopause occurs at an average age of 51, but it can begin as early as 40 and end as late as 58.

One thing is for sure and that is every woman's experience of menopause will be different. Approximately 80% of all women will go through the "change of life" - as it is often referred to - with very few symptoms other than their periods coming to an end.

Menopause symptoms occur due to the physical changes a woman experiences as she gets older. In particular, it is due to the reduction in the levels of hormones - namely estrogen and progesterone - in her body. This decrease causes an irregularity in the menstrual cycle and the eventual end of the menstrual cycle all together.

The three clear signs of the onset of menopause are an irregular monthly flow, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness. Hot flashes have long been considered the classic symptom of menopause. A woman experiencing a hot flash may feel a sudden wave of warmth in the face, neck, and chest, lasting for several minutes and accompanied by reddening of the skin, like blushing.

Hot flashes can bring on with heavy perspiration over the upper body, dizziness, headaches, and palpitations (rapid heart beats). The easiest way to manage hot flashes is to control body temperature by wearing layered clothing that can be removed, drinking cold liquids, and when possible, taking a swim or a cold shower.

Changes in the vagina and urinary tract are another common menopausal symptom. With less estrogen, both the vagina and urinary tract become thinner and dryer and more prone to injury and infection. If vaginal changes are severe enough, intercourse may become painful.

Of the many natural and herbal remedies for menopause, a simple remedy for vaginal dryness is use of a personal lubricant (K-Y jelly, apricot oil or Vitamin E oil) during intercourse. A physician may also prescribe a vaginal cream containing estrogen.

Wendy Jones has her own menopause support website. For her personal tips and advice on herbal remedies for menopause check out her site Early Menopause Symptoms Support

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Herbs For Menopause

Menopause is a condition in which a woman experiences permanent cessation of her reproductive system. The hormone variations in the body during this transitional stage may cause different symptoms in different women. Various methods of treatments are now available in the medical world for a woman to try with. A lot of no prescription medicines also are now available in the market. The increasing demand for safe medicines to treat the symptoms of menopause prompt many to introduce various herbal based natural medicines in the market.

Traditional medicine recommends hormone replacement therapy to find a remedy to the problems that come along with menopause. But the complications and serious side effects of hormone replacement therapy make many to think of other safe alternatives.

If you are a person who does not want to the risks associated with the hormone replacement, go for the alternative herbal formulas with which you treat the symptoms of menopause with no side effects. Your search for an alternative medicine will take you to the world of powerful herbs which were in use from time immemorial for reducing the symptoms of menopause. If you are not in a position to find out these herbs for menopause, you can purchase the natural medicines that contain the extracts of these herbs. Many of the herbs that we use to minimize the discomforts of menopause are also found to be effective in providing additional health benefits to women in their middle age.

The most popular herbs for menopause include Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, Dong Quai, Red Clover, Chaste Tree Berry, Ginger Root, Atractylodes, Licorice Root and Ginseng Root. The substances derived from soy beans also are found to be effective in remedying and reducing the symptoms of menopause.

The herbal menopause supplements that contain the extract of these herbs are found to be effective in reducing the symptoms of menopause in majority of the women. You will never have to face the complications of chemical based medicines and hormone replacement therapy when you use formulas that contain hundred percent natural ingredients.

Always remember that the label 'natural' on the bottle is not a guarantee to the effectiveness of the formula. Try to understand the usefulness of the ingredients contain in the bottle in reducing the symptoms of menopause before you actually purchase one for your use. It is your responsibility to rule out all the possibilities of drug interactions by consulting a doctor before you start using the product.

To get your complimentary Menopause Relief course, or for my personal advice on how to ease menopause symptoms with Natural Menopause Products, visit my website by clicking the links.